Everything You Need To know About Cats

Cat Breeds That Behave Like Dogs: 2 Unique Breeds with Surprising Characteristics



Cat Breeds That Behave Like Dogs


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Cat Breeds That Behave Like Dogs

The Canine Feline

Cats and dogs are often thought of as polar opposites. Dogs are known for their loyalty, obedience, and boundless energy. Cats, on the other hand, are often seen as distant, independent creatures who only come to their humans when they want something.

But what if I told you that there are cats out there that act more like dogs than cats? This is not a new phenomenon – in fact, many cat breeds have been bred to embody some of the best traits of their canine counterparts.

These felines can be just as loyal and loving as dogs, and in some cases even more so. As someone who has had both cats and dogs in my life, I can tell you that a cat with dog-like behavior is truly an incredible companion.

The Psychology Behind It All

So why exactly do some cats act like dogs? There are a few theories out there. Some experts believe that it has to do with genetics – certain cat breeds were specifically bred to have dog-like qualities such as loyalty and affection towards their humans.

Others believe it has more to do with the individual cat’s personality and upbringing. Regardless of the reason behind it, one thing is clear – owning a cat with dog-like behavior can be an incredibly rewarding experience.

These felines often love to play fetch or chase after toys just like a dog would. They may follow you around from room to room or even greet you at the door when you come home from work.

And while they may still have that independent streak that many cats possess, they will also be eager to cuddle up next to you on the couch or bed for some quality bonding time. The idea of a “canine feline” may seem like an oxymoron at first glance but it is a very real thing.

If you’re someone who wants the loyalty and companionship of a dog but prefers the low-maintenance nature of a cat, then owning a cat that acts like a dog might just be the perfect solution for you. Stay tuned as we explore the top cat breeds that embody these dog-like traits in our next section.

The Top Cat Breeds That Act Like Dogs

Cat Breeds That Behave Like Dogs:

Characteristics That Will Make You Question If it’s Really a Cat

So what makes these breeds different from other cats? For starters, they tend to be more social and prefer the company of humans over solitude. They also have a lot of energy which they channel into playtime activities such as chasing toys or catching mice (yes, some still do this).

Moreover, these breeds have an uncanny ability to understand human emotions which makes them excellent therapy animals for people suffering from depression or anxiety disorders. They exhibit loyalty towards their owners akin to dogs but remain independent enough not to become overly clingy or needy.

If you’re looking for a pet that has all the qualities of a dog but with the grace and agility of a cat, then the Maine Coon or Bengal cat may be the perfect fit for you. They are intelligent, playful, and affectionate and make great companions for those looking for an animal that is not only loyal but also highly entertaining.

The Surprising Similarities Between Dogs and Cats That Act Like Them

It’s no secret that dogs are known for their loyalty, affectionate nature, and playful demeanor. But did you know that cats can exhibit these same traits? Yes, you heard that right – some cats can act just like dogs!

You might think it’s impossible for a cat to play fetch or follow their owners around like a dog does, but there are certain breeds of cats that are more likely to display these behaviors. One similarity between dogs and cats that behave like them is their love for playing fetch.

It might come as a surprise, but some cat breeds actually enjoy playing this game too! Cats have sharp reflexes and quick movements, which makes them great at catching small toys thrown in the air.

They also have an innate hunting instinct that drives them to chase after moving objects. So if you’re looking for a feline companion who loves nothing more than chasing after balls or toy mice, consider getting a Maine Coon or Siamese cat.

Another similarity between dogs and cats with dog-like behavior is their affectionate nature. Contrary to popular belief, not all cats are aloof creatures who prefer solitude over human interaction.

Some breeds of cats thrive on companionship and crave attention from their owners just like dogs do! These breeds include the Burmese cat and the Abyssinian cat.

They are known for being social animals who enjoy snuggling up with their owners on the couch or following them around the house like loyal companions. While dogs have long been regarded as man’s best friend, it’s time we give credit to our feline friends who exhibit dog-like behavior too!

From playing fetch to being affectionate companions, there is no denying the surprising similarities between certain breeds of dogs and cats. So if you’re looking for a four-legged friend who can offer both canine and feline traits, consider adopting a cat that acts like a dog.

Differences Between Dogs and Cats That Act Like Them

Grooming Habits

One of the most significant differences between dogs and cats that behave like them is their grooming habits. Dogs are notorious for being low maintenance when it comes to their grooming needs. They barely need any attention, such as a simple brushing or a bath every few months.

On the other hand, cats are very meticulous about their cleanliness, spending hours on end grooming themselves daily. This means that if you own a cat that acts like a dog, you may find yourself having to groom them more often than you would prefer.

Hunting Instincts

Another difference between dogs and cats that behave like them is their hunting instincts. Although some dogs have been bred for hunting purposes, the majority of them have lost this instinct over time and are now primarily companion animals.

However, even domesticated cats still maintain their primal instinct to hunt and kill prey, whether they live in the countryside or in an apartment building in the city center. This means that if you own a cat that behaves like a dog, you can expect them to bring mice or birds into your home occasionally.


Another difference between dogs and cats that act like them is their levels of independence. Dogs tend to rely heavily on humans for attention and affection, while cats are more independent creatures who enjoy spending time alone as much as they do with their owners.

If you own a cat that behaves like a dog, they may demand more attention than other felines due to their outgoing nature; however, they may still require some alone time every now and then. Although there are some differences between dogs and cats that act like each other concerning grooming habits, hunting instincts, and independence levels; overall they share many characteristics such as loyalty to humans and playful personalities.

Training Your Cat to Behave Like a Dog

Why Should You Train Your Cat to Behave Like a Dog?

Let’s be honest, cats are typically known for being independent creatures that don’t always listen to their owners. But what if I told you that you could train your cat to behave more like a dog?

Not only can it be fun and entertaining, but it can also strengthen the bond between you and your feline friend. By teaching them simple commands and tricks, you can help your cat become more obedient and responsive to your needs.

Simple Commands You Can Teach Your Cat

One of the most popular dog-like behaviors in cats is playing fetch. Yes, you read that right – cats can play fetch too! Start by tossing a toy or ball across the room and encouraging your cat to retrieve it.

Use treats as a positive reinforcement when they bring the toy back to you. Other simple commands include “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” Start training with one command at a time, using positive reinforcement techniques like praise, affection, or treats when they successfully complete each task.

What’s important is finding what motivates your cat and using that as a reward during training sessions. It could be food or treats, toys, or simply attention from their owner.

Remember, cats are unique individuals with different personalities and preferences. Therefore, patience is key when trying to train them – some may take longer than others before they catch on.

Training your cat to behave like a dog can offer many benefits for both you and your feline companion. Not only is it an excellent way to bond with them on an even deeper level but also gives them mental stimulation which helps enrich their lives while keeping them physically active as well!

The Benefits of Having a Cat That Acts Like a Dog

Cats can be great companions for families with children

Having a cat that behaves like a dog can be an excellent addition to any family with children. The playful and affectionate nature of these cats makes them great companions for kids who love to play and interact with pets. They are gentle and friendly, and they will often seek attention and affection from their human companions.

Furthermore, having a cat that behaves like a dog can also teach children the importance of responsibility. They can help with feeding, grooming, and training the cat, which will instill in them valuable life skills such as empathy, patience, and discipline.

They are low-maintenance pets

One of the benefits of having a cat that acts like a dog is that they require less attention than traditional dogs. Unlike dogs, they do not need to be walked or taken out to go potty regularly. They are independent creatures who will spend most of their time lounging around the house waiting for someone to give them attention.

Cats also groom themselves on their own so you don’t have to worry about brushing or bathing them daily which is another plus! This means less expense on pet-care products such as shampoos and brushes.


Having a cat that behaves like a dog is an amazing experience both for kids and adults alike. They offer many benefits including being low-maintenance pets while also providing plenty of fun playing fetch or cuddling up next to us on the couch. So if you’re looking for an unconventional pet that’s easygoing yet playful then definitely consider adopting one today!

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